Everyone in the world lives surrounded by products made by someone else. Sometimes the product causes injury, illness, or death. The Product Liability Law was established for the purpose of protecting victims. This may have enabled “contribute to the stabilization and improvement of the people’s lives and the sound development of the national economy” as stated in the law, but on the other hand, it is also true that excessive self-defense or self-restraint by manufacturers causes discord with consumers. Manufacturers, fearing claims and lawsuits, turn designs into innocuous ones, and nervously spell out the most unlikely caveats in advertisements, packages, and operating instructions around their products, or ask for consent in advance. Such an overreaction unified the product and resulted in a huge amount of unreadable, rubbish, rather than a message reaching consumers. In addition, such texts have come to place more importance on descriptions themselves than on having people read them, and it can be said that the original purpose of protecting the people has lost substance. The recent report that formaldehyde gas, a carcinogen, was detected in Damien Hirst’s formalin-preserved work may also be a time when the creator of the work is unnecessarily nervous about the responsibility of the producer. It is an attempt to highlight the distortions of modern society and raise the issue.
Self-control For Safety , 2016
“I hope you don’t turn into a stone.” W15.0xH29.5xD10.0cm mixed media
“I hope you don’t have a disaster.” W28.0xH28.0xH28.0cm mixed media